Thursday, March 20, 2008

I love me some krautrock.

Last summer when it was super hot, I seeded my lawn.  I had to till the soil so I went to the Home Depot and got a hoe.  The dirt was rock hard, but about halfway through the tilling I realized it worked much better if I got the ground really wet first.  I opened my front door and blasted some Cluster while I worked.  Its not really great tilling music, but it rules.
Here is a song called "Isodea" from an album called Grosses Wasser.  If yr German was up to snuff you would know that that means Big Water.

I didn't rake up the leaves on my lawn this fall and I'm afraid the grass is all going to die.

And you know what else dude?  My drummer hung out with Cluster at a beer garden in Berlin.  Thats rad! 

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